Love, Sacrifice and the Ordeal to become a Seaman
Our very own Abdul Haji Bin Jamaludin celebrates his birthday with lantana staffs and crews as well as all other August celebrants. The event was done in success as we are all gathered on the same day to break a fast on the said day. All were seen with happy faces as it's a great opportunity also to build camaraderie among colleagues and friends. A good chance to be thankful that in spite of all not so good things hap- pened previously, we are still blessed having stood up and continue do a living.
For: A tax free salary, professionalism, high job fulfillment, amity, travel.
Against: Anti-social,increasing commercial pressure, risk of being marched down the gangway in shackle, poor treatment of seafarers, dearth of social and sexual complement, negatively worldwide view of ship ping industry. But most of all spending long periods away from loved ones/family/friends.
A kiss from a seafarer to his wife and kids at the ship's gangway, at the taxi terminal, at the bus station is the most bitter kiss a man can give...those many times waving goodbye were the most aching feeling no one ever want to feel. Because along with this goodbye is no assurance of ever coming back. That's what being a seafarer takes all.
Appreciate our seafarer's sacrifice for the love of family to give a better living. Put yourself in their shoes and you will know what "LIFE & LOVE" really means.